What is this game?
LOGAN is an autobiographical tabletop game. In it you play through events I, Logan, have lived through, and come out with a version of my life in your hands.
LOGAN is deeply personal and vulnerable.
LOGAN is a reflection on life, on its high and lows, its ebbs and flows.
LOGAN is an invitation to look at your own life and reflect on all you have been through.
LOGAN is a reminder to commend yourself for still being here.
LOGAN is a work of queer joy, trans pride, resilience, growth and love.
LOGAN is a love letter that I invite you to write to yourself.
You can listen to Jeff Stormer and Logan play LOGAN on the Party of One Podcast by clicking below.

What are people saying about LOGAN?
“While playing AutoBio I experienced intimacy, connection, and growth in a way beyond words. I feel like getting to know Logan better has helped me learn more about myself and my own formative experiences. It’s been a long while since I played and I still think about the experience fondly, and I know I’ve become a stronger and more vulnerable person because of this game.” – Jamila Nedjadi
“It’s important to note the auto-biography and biography is tried and tested narrative genre on itself that really expands empathy and self-contemplation. Go hit up this really honest and engaging work to find your own story in Logan’s.” – Maria Mison.
“A tender, intimate game, I found myself wanting to learn more and more about little fictional Logan’s life, and how the various highlights and moments of quiet resonated with my own experiences in some small way. LOGAN: An Autobiographical Tabletop Game is a phenomenal experience from start to end, and is definitely a worthwhile journey to take in Logan’s boots.” – Valis.
“At once gentle and childlike, at other times deeply musing and tragic, it was a wonderful mix of introspection and laughter. An autobio game that shows how the smallest choices and the little chances really make our stories come alive.” – Marren